Saturday, June 26, 2010

The journey is close...

from balika: The weeks are starting to come together. Slowly (and rather painfully sometimes) we book a week or so at a time of the 4 month family sabbatical. Now we are at the point where we hope we haven't OVERPLANNED and are consciously choosing to stop and leave a few weeks of unplanned time in our schedule to allow for the unexpected.

How did this come about? Thanks goes to the Rasmuson Foundation for granting Sven this time to recharge his batteries and to his staff for making him take the time out. The world of non-profits is wonderful and exciting, mentally challenging and constantly changing. Sven is definitely not gifted at taking vacations, so this 'forced vacation' (NO WORK for the museum is allowed!) is a welcome thing for the family and hopefully eventually for Sven- he may see the light in this- we hope...

I have been able to take the entire 2010/11 school year off and am as excited about that as about traveling! I love the idea of being able to take the girls to school when we return from our trip and to pick them up too! (last year my schedule did not allow me to do either)

Our goal is to make this blog a family travel journal. Stay tuned for updates!