Monday, July 11, 2016

An Epic Drive to Monamvasia

We thought we had a 4 hour drive ahead of us... and I should have believed Rick Steves when he wrote to not trust your GPS and get a real paper map for it, because I think it may have been a 6 hour drive when it was said and done.  At one point we almost seemed to be driving vertically up a cliff, and another we dead-ended on a washed out mountain road, and we found ourselves three times going through one particular quiet town.  The road-side shrines didn't make us feel much better, and on our 3rd time through that one little town we actually brought water as scary scenes played in our head.  

The confusion may have started (as it always does) with one wrong turn, but this one was a lovely one.  We found ourselves in the idyllic town of Plaka, in a restaurant of a mother and son pair.  The mother talked non-stop about her son's restaurant and his new store that opened in the back, at one point calling us over from another shop to see what her son had to offer. It was a lovely stop and worth the upcoming hours of confusion.

And then we found ourselves in the mountains.  We were glad to have stocked up, enjoyed the scenery and cheered when we saw another car (at one point it was 20 minutes of one-lane driving before we saw one.  Oops.

Spoiler alert: we made it.  This island fortress of Monemvasia would be our home for the next 2 days.

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