Tuesday, July 10, 2012


 We have arrived. After a wonderful day in Seattle with the Haakansons (Mary, bev, Phyllis, yorgen and his girlfriend who is due any day) the girls were able to sleep in a bed after 5 hours of traveling before our next 11 hours of flying (THAT was nice!). Nice morning of swimming in the new pool (girls only. Too cold for old geezers). We were on the direct Amsterdam-Iceland flight which only took 7 hours but of course Fish and I couldn't sleep... There were movies to be watched! Love those personal screens in the seat... Anyway, we arrived in Amsterdam around one, went and got our car, our home for the next three weeks, and checked into our hotel. I began to notice sven's eyelids drooping around 4 pm so we made an effort to get outside and stay up till a reasonable hour. so we walked. And walked. And then tried to figure out how to do that in reverse while jet lagged and feeling like we had weight tied to our legs. And with streets that don't go straight, but instead twist around circular canals. We did make it home eventually, and although it seemed like two in the morning, it was actually only around 8. But still, we crashed. Or at least I did. Apparently it wasn't as easy getting the girls to sleep as it was momma...

 My favorite driving sequence:

Guy cycling while carrying a dummy torso.
Our home for the next 3 weeks: Peugot 306

Our apartment

Trying hard to keep our eyes open...

The steps to our apartment...

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to read and see about your adventures! Pouring down rain here today- don't have to water plants :-)

    Keep in touch!
