Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The End of the Road. Back to Amsterdam via Slovakia & Linz, Austria & Cologne, Germany

5100 Kilometers on our little Peugot in 21 days.  Amsterdam to Germany.  Germany to Prague.  Prague to Budapest.  Budapest to Pecs, then on to Sarajevo & Mostar.  Hvar for a week.  Then back to Amsterdam in four days: from Zagreb, to Linz, Austria, to Frankfurt, then finally Amsterdam again.  We thought it would be more painful, but in fact I think it was pretty darn wonderful.  The kids ended the trip even closer than when they started.  We all listened to some wonderful books on some of the longer drives.  We got some great family time, ate some wonderful food and saw many friends.  We were honestly SAD to come home.  And that was a first for us, which I gueaa is a sign of a great trip.  All I know is that we wanted to keep on going.  We knew that as soon as we got home life would start moving ahead at top speed and we just wanted to stop time and be together a bit longer.  Ah, well.  Some parting shots:

Thank you Germans for having such amazing playgrounds and playground equipment. 

A stop in Cologne, Germany (where Cologne was first invented. Duh!  That didn't hit me until we were leaving town and I kept wondering why they were selling perfume everywhere).  The HUGE gothic cathedral in Cologne was a pleasure to see...

Let us out of here!

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